Sanet Campher
2024-01-25 09:56:34
With the excellent advice from AHi Western Cape I could advertise by small business on the right platforms and in the correct manner to attract more customers. I am very grateful.
Bob du Plessis
2024-01-25 09:57:01
AHi se entrepreneurskap-ontwikkeling is die enigste volhoubare wyse om werk te skep. Die ekonomie moet groei en gestimuleer word. Dis was vir my ‘n riem onder die hart om te sien hoe toegewyd hierdie groep mense is.
Susan Clement
2024-01-25 09:57:11
What really impressed me about AHi Western Cape is their creation of opportunities for young people who are eager to start their own enterprises. They really help where help is needed.
Johan Ellis
2024-01-25 09:57:22
Without the incredible knowledge and advice from the experts at AHi Western Cape I would not have been able to start my own moving business in the Swartland. I owe them so much.
Peter Palmer
2024-01-25 09:57:37
I didn’t just learn how to build a business, but also to build up wisdom and knowledge. It’s a good thing to know the direction you have to take to make a success. With this course there is no way you can go wrong.
Johathan Crawford
2024-01-25 09:57:51
AHI Western Cape’s 24-hour call centre offer business advice for those wanting to be their own bosses. The excellent service from the call centre assistants helped me with much needed information to initiate the starting of my own business.
Sebastian Coledridge
2024-01-25 09:59:00
Awesome stuff AHi Wes-Kaap/Western Cape. Dr Willie Cilliers Accountants doing an amazing job in the region.
2024-01-25 09:59:15
Entrepreneurship development and training is one of the AHi’s main activities, as entrepreneurs are the biggest creators of employment in these economically exciting times. In this way the AHI helps to create a strong middle-class.